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Parents campaign

Card for your child – free and fully remote

Easily open an account and order a card for your child via the internet bank, and enjoy a special offer for yourself as well. 

Special offer is valid until 30.09.2024. 

We ask you to use banking services remotely. We remind that only customers with prior booking are served in SEB branches. Book a meeting


For Private Customer


Support payments for housing borrowers

The amendments to the law adopted by the Saeima provide for the payment of support to housing borrowers once a quarter in 2024.

Our customers do not need to fill in applications or take any other additional actions – the State Revenue Service will pay out support once a quarter to those borrowers who meet the criteria set by the state.

More favorable conditions for home loan

Apply for a home loan until December 31 and receive:

  • Especially beneficial interest rate
  • Escrow account for 0 EUR
  • Loan processing free of charge
  • 30% discount for property insurance from our partner If Apdrošināšana

Offer is valid for A class apartments. Calculation example: real estate price 80 000 EUR, customer down payment 12 000 EUR, loan amount 68 000 EUR, interest rate is 6%, the interest rate is variable and consists of the total sum of margin and base rate, loan repayment term 30 years, monthly payment 412 EUR (360 payments in total), calculated according to annuity method. Commission fee for processing the loan is - 0%, commission fee for servicing the current account - 1 EUR per month. Annual percentage rate of charge (APRC) 6.31%, total amount to be paid 148 464 EUR. The loan is secured by a real estate mortgage, the mentioned real estate must be insured for the entire duration of the loan agreement.

Introducing our new cards

We've created a new design for our payment and credit cards, drawing inspiration from the unique landscapes of the Nordic region. In addition, we make the new cards from bioplastic, which is made from the environmentally friendly corn starch.

You'll notice in the SEB mobile app, internet bank, and digital wallets that we've already replaced your card picture with the new theme. The plastic cards will be replaced gradually – we will automatically create a new design card for you when your old card expires. You don't have to take any actions, and the current cards will continue to work as usual.