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eParaksts mobile

eParaksts mobile


Who can use eParaksts mobile?

The eParaksts mobile app can be used from the age of 14. The user needs a valid personal identification document issued in the Republic of Latvia (except for a foreigner’s eID card) or a residence permit. The app is available on both Apple and Android devices.

How do I get eParaksts mobile?

To start using eParaksts mobile, you first need to fill in an application and sign an agreement. Please follow the tutorial on the eParaksts mobile website.

What is the authentication process and how to sign documents?

The eParaksts mobile app works in a similar way to Smart-ID. A control code is sent to the app when you perform an action, such as logging in to the internet bank or confirming a payment. This must be compared with the code displayed in the internet bank and confirmed with PIN1 or PIN2.

How can eParaksts mobile be used at SEB?

The eParaksts mobile app can be used as an authentication tool at SEB. It can be used, for example, to log in to the internet bank, confirm payments and sign certain documents.