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Regifting gives another chance to bring joy.

We believe in a holiday season that's kind to the planet and full of joy for your loved ones. Let the festive spirit inspire you to reduce waste and create eco-friendly traditions that will last a lifetime.

Did you know that...


believes that regifting is a sustainable choice, as the gift that didn't work for one can serve well for another.


has regifted at least once, knowing that the gift will make the next recipient happy.

How to minimise waste and maximise joy

Gift planning

Craft meaningful presents by creating a thought-out gift list, avoiding last-minute wasteful choices.

Experience gifting

Opt for experiences like concerts, spa days, or classes, fostering lasting memories over material possessions.

Eco-friendly wrapping

Choose sustainable gift wrapping with reusable fabrics, recycled paper, or newspaper, avoiding non-recyclable options.

Charitable giving

Donate to a charity in someone's name to reduce the demand for physical items while supporting a good cause.

Local and sustainable shopping

Choose ethically produced, eco-friendly products while supporting local businesses and artisans.

Even if you got an unwanted gift,
here's what you can do with it


Pass on unwanted gifts in good condition to someone who will appreciate them, reducing waste and spreading joy.


Clear up clutter by donating unwanted gifts to local charities or thrift stores. For example, "SOS bērnu ciemati", "", "Laimas namiņš", biedrība "Tuvu", biedrība "Dari labu", "Brīvbode", "Otra elpa", "Gift exchange places".


Host a gift exchange with friends or family to trade unwanted items for something you prefer, making it a fun and sustainable solution.

Your choices. Global changes.

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